Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Global Warming

The general misconception of the term global warming is that we tend to think of increase in the temperature of the earth. Instead, it’s about the climate change, changes that refers to our environment, atmosphere and weather over time. Here we are referring to decades not seasons. Global warming refers to the change in hydrology and biology of the earth i.e. changes in temperature, rain, winds etc.
Studies have shown that the overall global temperature has increased by 0.8 degrees centigrade. Sea level are constantly rising, storms and floods are more frequent, more disease, loss of biodiversity are some of the very few consequences of global warming. If global warming is not addressed, it could have serious effect on our planet and the whole living thing could face a serious threat for the existence.
There are different ways to stop global warming like by reducing the use of the fossil fuel, planting the native trees globally, stop deforestation. Going green also add to stop global warming.

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